It's Not Over 'Til It's Over!
While we may have seen a few snowflakes last week, fall in Muskoka isn’t over just yet! The shorter days, and colder mornings have arrived, but there is still plenty of time for some outdoor fall fun before the snow is here to stay. Below you will find a bucket list of activities to do before we hunker down for winter.
Hit the trails or the road for a bike ride.
The MORCA (Muskoka Off Road Cycling Association) volunteers have been putting their leaf blowers to the test this fall, and the days when it’s not raining, the trails are in tip top shape!
Looking for a road route? Get the inside scoop from Bike Cottage Country.
Spend some time hiking! Explore a new trail in town, or take a friend to your favourite trail. Wilsons Falls Trail, and the Bracebridge Resource Management Centre are a few of our favs!
Disc Golf!
A little hidden gem in Bracebridge is the Dads of Muskoka Disc Golf Course. Challenge your kids or a friend to a round on this unique course on the edge of town.
Finish (or start) your day at one of our breweries, local coffee shops, or restaurants!
Please remember to always take only photos, leave only footprints, and tag us in your adventures on social media @visitthebridge.